Quality Veterinary Service


image of a dog and woman

Often, pet owners include their beloved dogs in holiday gift-giving; they even go so far as to mount and fill a stocking for Fido on the fireplace mantel. Many leave gifts for their dogs under the Christmas tree from Santa. Sure, the dogs have no idea what's going on. but they don't care, they love it all the same.

Dogs are better able to pick up on human excitement and they know when you are happy. So when you are opening gifts and are excited (providing they are gifts you like), Fido wants to share in that excitement, anything is better than a trip to the Boca Raton veterinarian. And since you love you dog very much, giving a gift means as much to you as to your dog.

image of a puppy and a vet

We are right in the midst of the holiday season and food is everywhere. If you are like most Americans, you will spend Thanksgiving, Christmas and many of the days in between gobbling down turkey, scarfing ham and stuffing your face with all the traditional side dishes and desserts that accompany these main courses. And from leftover hand-me-downs to spilled food under the table, Fido will no doubt enjoy the holiday meals as much as you. But be warned, some foods can cause problems and if you aren’t careful, Fido could wind up at your Boca Raton vet with an upset tummy or worse.

As much as you want Fido to be a part of the holiday festivities, there are some foods he should not eat.

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While most of you own cats, dogs, goldfish and maybe a lizard or some other odd type of pet, there are those who have pets that are much more exotic. Zoos are no longer the only place to see exotic animals, you might see one at your Boca Raton vet clinic if you are lucky. Here is a list of some exotic animals people have as pets.

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Just as there are veterinary clinics in Boca Raton, we are sure there are places that offer doga; that is, yoga with dogs. We have all heard about yoga and the benefits it offers, but there is a new movement called doga, which is simply practicing yoga with your dog. And yes, this is a real thing. You can actually purchase an instructional DVD that shows poses you and your dog can do together.

Doga caught on early in New York and California but has been working it way around the rest of the country. And if you think this is simply a silly novelty, think again as there are several benefits associated with the practice.

image of a vet and a dog

Every vet in Boca Raton will tell you that prevention is far better than a cure. So in addition to a balanced diet, you need to make sure Fido gets enough exercise for optimal health.

Keeping fit is as important for healthy dogs as it is for you. A healthy dog is one that enjoys regular exercise that not only keeps them in shape but gives them even more ways to interact with you. Dogs that get plenty of exercise also enjoy a strong immune system, which means older dogs are less likely to succumb to illness.

Image of a pet examination

Maybe you just adopted a wonderful dog or perhaps you are thinking about getting a dog in the near future, then you need to find some answers to all of your dog questions. And who better to help than your Boca Raton veterinarian.

New dog owners are faced with any number of uncertainties, this happens right after the "you are so cute I must take you home" phase. Then, the reality of it all sets in. But do not be ashamed, basic dog care isn't something that comes naturally to most. In fact, most dog owners, like parents of human children, learn as they go. So if you have some questions about Fido or Rover, you are not alone.

image of a dog and cat

When feeding your dog or cat, it is critical that you give them food that provides the proper balance of nutrients. Dogs and cats, just like humans, need a certain combination of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, fats and minerals to function normally. A diet in balanced nutrition is no accident as pet food manufacturers work diligently to determine an exact formula so your pet gets everything they need on a daily basis.

image of dogs

Did you know that your dog can suffer allergies just like humans? Probably not. According to surveys, over half of dog owners were unaware that their fuzzy companions can spend certain seasons feeling lousy due to symptoms of allergies. If your dog suffers allergies, your Boca Raton veterinarian can help.

image of a vet and a dog

You might be in the market for a puppy, perhaps your kids have shown an interest in having a pet. You could go either way, a pet might be nice to have, but with it comes a lot of responsibility. You aren’t sure if you want to deal with that. Besides feeding, walking and otherwise caring for a dog, you will need to take it to a good Boca Raton veterinarian. If you are still on the fence about getting a dog, here are a few benefits that might surprise you.

image of a vet and a cat

As a pet owner, you have a good veterinarian in Boca Raton that you can rely on when your dog or cat needs some medical attention. That is, you have a veterinary clinic you take your pet to when they eat something they shouldn’t have or happen to cut their paw. It is also this very same vet that administers shots to your pet as they are needed. But if you aren’t visiting your veterinarian on a regular basis, even if your pet is perfectly healthy, you need to change that up.

You see, even if your pet is in perfect health, there are plenty of benefits in taking them to the vet on a regular basis.
